The Tools for Overcoming Stress

How is Stress Affecting You?
Stress is known as ‘the silent killer’. Only these days, it’s not too silent and seems to stalk us constantly. Stress is a natural reaction to high pressure situations that cause us anger, frustration, procrastination and nervousness. But living in constant stress can have serious health consequences – cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders, sleep problems, digestive issues and more.

How I Help
If we’re to survive and thrive in a twenty first century world, we need to learn how to deal with the stresses that come with it; how to relax, switch off, eat and sleep well. Using mindfulness and hypnotherapy techniques I will help re-pattern your thinking and your life so you have the keys to live positively and healthily – and avoid the serious consequences of stress.
Understanding Stress More
Are you constantly tired, feeling demotivated, frustration or having trouble sleeping? Feeling overwhelmed with nowhere to turn?
Don’t despair, help is at hand.
Contact me right away below and we can chat free of charge to find a path forward for you.
If you recognise these, you may need help:
- Short temper
- Frequently arguing with partner
- Feeling run down, tired
- Feeling life is a constant drudge
- Can’t get to sleep easily
- Indecisive, lack of assertiveness
- Not feeling connected
- Feeling misunderstood, frustrated
- Lack of pleasure in things, demotivated
- Procrastination
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 111 or 999, or visit your nearest hospital