Stopping Smoking
Proven a better way to stop smoking.

Smoking and You
I can tell you that quitting smoking is one of the best things you will ever do. I’ve done it myself and have helped countless others. You will be free of guilt and worry and save a small fortune. New research tells us that on average a cigarette can knock 20 minutes off your life. How long will you be hypnotised by the lies of smoking and ignore the negatives? Get in touch and start living not dying.

How I Help
We will use hypnotherapy and CBT, a highly effective multi-component approach. I will work with you in two stages, a week apart, which is more gentle for you. Firstly we have a 40 minute phone call, where we assess you and give you 12 tips for the week, including a self-hypnosis audio. Then we do the main session of 2-3 hours. You will leave a non-smoker with audios to support you, a free further session and satisfaction guarantee.
Quit Smoking Hypnotherapy in Croydon and Surrey
If you’re local to Croydon or can make the trip from London, Surrey or Kent, why not come to my clinic in Caterham. It’s only one trip, after all. See my reviews below for further reassurances on my approach and any questions you may have.
- Free Discovery Call to discuss personal terms and find out more
- We use Hypno-CBT, proven the best approach available for long term cessation
- Course comprises two sessions a week apart
- The first on phone/Zoom to assess and discuss 12 Steps to implement
- Self hypnosis audio to listen to every night
- A week later, the Main Session of 2-3 hours
- 3 audios to keep and support you
- Free Session within 6 weeks if necessary
- Satisfaction Guarantee
Frequently asked questions
Hypno-CBT for Stop Smoking
Is Hypnotherapy the most effective way to stop smoking?
Not any more. Trials have shown that a multi-component approach seems to be the most successful way to stop smoking over time. Hypnosis, together with CBT, gives you a better chance of remaining a non-smoker long term. Spiegel’s research indicates that hypnotherapy is more effective when other factors are taken into consideration, such as therapist experience, non-hypnotic techniques (CBT) and client motivation.
I need to stop smoking fast. How do I know this method will work?
Any stop smoking hypnotherapy treatment relies on your own motivation. You have to really want to stop smoking. But my programme gives you the best chance of stopping for good. I will give you everything I have – and it comes with a satisfaction guarantee plus audio support and a free booster session if required. Remember, in 3-4 weeks of stopping smoking you can usually recover the cost of the treatment.
You say this is the best way to stop smoking. Where are the figures and support for this?
Following research uundertaken by Jordan Zarren in 2002 (Zarren and Eimer, 2002:241), 70% of clients who undertook a single session of Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy remained non-smokers after one year. Compare this with reaearch carried out by Spiegel in 1993 using hypnotherapy alone, where just 13% remained abstinent after 9 months (Spiegel et al, 1993: 1091).
What is your Stop Smoking success rate?
I have an 84% success rate with my clients after checking in with them 3 months following treatment. After that period I welcome those who wish to contact me at any point.
Do you offer a Stop Smoking Guarantee?
I offer a Satisfaction Guarantee. Which means that if you are not satisfied with the effort I have made, or the techniques, then I will return your fee. This has never happened. Do not trust anyone who offers a Stop Smoking guarantee, as there are so many individual factors that can influence outcomes.
Why is your Stop Smoking programme two sessions?
I find that it is easier and more successful for people to slowly adjust to stopping smoking in the week between the two sessions. I assess individual habits and motivations in that first session so I can personally adapt the main session a week later. I give 12 steps or tips for clients in that first session – like changing brand of cigarettes, making a note of times when smoking, need and pleasure ratings. Much of this is the crucial CBT or mindfulness element. I also give clients a self-hypnosis for Stopping Smoking audio to listen to each night of the week at this point. To my surprise I have had a few clients who have stopped smoking on this one 40 minute call session alone – that is before the main session.
Contact Me
Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 111 or 999, or visit your nearest hospital