Panic Attacks

Proven hypnotherapy techniques to calm and relax

Understanding panic

Panic lives at the extreme end of anxiety. And if you’ve experienced a real panic attack you know how frightening it can be. So how do you regain composure, calm and safety? Fortunately I’ve been here myself. Learning more is helpful, identifying your triggers; the whos, wheres and the whens. And introducing bespoke Hypnotherapy and Mindfulness techniques to centre you.

How I can help

Resetting your breathing patterns can made a big difference. Learning how to settle that fight or flight response, reset the autonomic nervous system. We will look at your thinking, how you’re seeing and interpreting events. We need to calm the mind and body using the evidence-based CBT and Hypnotherapy techniques that have worked so well for many of my clients.

Panic Attack Support Croydon

If you need any panic disorder help, it’s always best to consider a panic attack specialist. Someone who offers the best natural treatment for panic attacks and anxiety – so that when that feeling arises, you know how to calm down quickly, with evidence-based tools to relieve panic that are known to work – including hypnotherapy and CBT, self hypnosis, mindfulness and ACT.

Remember, you’re not alone and help is available. Regain control of your life. Contact me to start today.

You’re welcome to contact me to discuss more, and please consult the FAQ’s and my review below. I work in person from my clinic in Caterham or online on Zoom and other platforms.

Here are some of the panic attack disorders I tackle:

  • Social panic attacks
  • Panic around swallowing
  • Exam panic attacks
  • Night time panic attacks
  • Public speaking panic attacks
  • Panic in closed spaces and travelling

"David was incredibly knowledgable and full of empathy ... I felt totally at ease ... did an amazing job"

Scott, on Zoom, North London

"Gave me a better understanding of why I was in the state I was in ... always there to contact...really friendly and reliable"

CG, Worcester Park, Surrey

"David has helped me massively, sharing his knowledge that each individual has the innate ability to achieve control over their mind."

TC, South London

Frequently asked questions

Panic Attacks

I get really panicky like I might die. Will I have a heart attack?

It won’t happen unless you have an existing heart condition. Panic attacks are very common and the heart tends to race due to the panic. This creates more panic and you end up in a loop. The heart is built to withstand a lot of tension when running and under extreme exercise conditions. In panic mode it sometimes feels like it will burst or break in some way, but it is just your heart racing due to the thoughts and feelings you are experiencing.

What if I can't get to you due to panic?

It’s not uncommon for people to feel panic about leaving home and coming to a session. If that’s the case, we can work remotely – on Zoom, Teams or Facetime. The processes, tools and session talks are just as effective and you will benefit just as much.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 111 or 999, or visit your nearest hospital

Contact Form

20 Westway, Caterham CR3 5TP