Unhelpful Habits and Addictions

The keys to freedom.

To turn your life around

What is your unhelpful habit?

Do you bite your nails? Pick at your skin? Pull at your hair? Snack compulsively? Bad habits can be irritating, frustrating and embrassing, to say nothing of the fact that you don’t ever want to do them and you don’t understand why they seem to be beyond your control. How much better would life be if you were the master of your own actions? That feeling of triumph is something money can’t buy.

Tackling your habits

A Hypno-CBT approach to habit reversal is proven and effective, with one study showing a 90% reduction in habit after only one two hour session. The key is Awareness. Most habitual behaviours tend to be performed unconsciously. By developing this awareness we can wake up, observe the pattern and begin to counteract it. Then we can reinforce this positive response using hypnosis.

Hypnotherapy to break bad habits in Croydon

Undesired habits can rule our lives. Drinking too much, smoking, vaping, overeating, cocaine use and drug taking, gambling … even compulsive lying. The list is endless.

If you feel something is out of control, please contact me to discuss your habit – in total confidence.

These are some of the undesired habits and addictions I treat:

  • Hypnotherapy for nail biting
  • Hypnotherapy for hair pulling
  • Hypnotherapy for itching and scratching
  • Hypnotherapy for snacking and eating sweets, chocolate
  • Hypnotherapy and CBT for drinking
  • Hypnotherapy and CBT for cocaine and drug use

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 111 or 999, or visit your nearest hospital

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20 Westway, Caterham CR3 5TP