My Specialties & Services

From anxiety to confidence, fear of flying and stopping smoking

Specialist help

From this section you’ll be able to select the individual pages you’re looking for. From Anxiety to Peak Performance.

Whichever area we work in, I want to assure you that I will give you my best. That means listening. And more listening. Learning more about you, your beliefs and experiences. Unlike most counselling and psychotherapy approaches, my work is highly proactive, process and results driven – with tools, meditation and visualisation practices, breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. It may involve wisdom insights, some philosophical and spiritual learnings where requested and appropriate.

I have an integrative therapy approach which, I hope, is enlightening. Many of my clients have called it life changing. Rest assured, everything will be feedback oriented, guided by your needs and agreed goals.

Ultimately I want you to leave my sessions as your own therapist, able to sustain yourself – and confident enough to recommend me to anyone you care about who needs help.

My expertise

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Social Anxiety can make you feel lonely, isolated and disconnected. It can affect your work, your relationships and your total enjoyment of life. Since Covid, social anxiety has become a big issue. But ultimately we are all connected. I’m here to help and, with my experience in this area, we can work this through.

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Buddha said that holding anger, or resentment, is like taking poison and expecting the other person to die. We don’t want you harming yourself like this. I have the CBT and Hypnotherapy tools to help you move through this, to let go … especially of things you cannot change. Irritations, resentments, disappointments, grievances. Get in touch now.

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Ah, ‘Imposter Syndrome’. Or is it? In truth this is a progressive, therapy-type phrase for simply lacking confidence. A strong belief in yourself. At the end of the day you are no less capable than anyone else. It just SEEMS that way. I’ve worked with many clients in film and media who get these feelings. But nobody else would see it in them. If you feel this weird disconnect, let’s chat.

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If you’re feeling lost, abandoned, alone … or struggling to understand life’s meaning or purpose, do get in touch. Some people life their lives more on a material level than others and seem to live lightly, keeping busy, occupied and engaged. And that’s fantastic. For others, life seems full of questions, especially if there has been a trauma. I am happy to explore these things with you, if you are one of those people.

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Change is always challenging. More so for some than others. Ultimately everything changes and moves on, whether we like it or not – so it’s about learning to embrace those changes, become more comfortable with being uncomfortable, living with uncertainty. Feeling excitement not dread. If you’re experiencing change and doubt here, I can help turn your feelings around.

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We all get down and experience mood swings every now and again. It’s about how we recover, how to let go and move on fast. We need to work on our thoughts, memories, imaginations and stop dragging ourselves into the past or the future – which don’t exist in the NOW. My methods and processes will help you gain control of your thoughts and emotions. Get in touch now.

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It’s a strange thing, sleep. You can’t TRY falling asleep. It often just happens. It’s one of life’s many paradoxes. We’ve all ‘fallen’ asleep – but sometimes we lose that knack. It’s that effortlessness that’s at the heart of most of the things experts in their field seems to achieve. A beautiful flowness of letting go. If you’re struggling with sleep in any way, check out my reviews, get right in touch and see the change I can make.

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Retirement can be a fabulous time – if you’re healthy, have plenty to do and you feel your life is rich and varied and you are satisfied you have done your bit. But if you are feeling that your job was what gave you purpose and meaning and you are going to lose something, please contact me. Your life may be just starting!

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Intrusive thoughts and feelings of overwhelm are common in today’s ever buzzing world. Like our phones, our brains seem always switched on – so much so that it seems impossible to rest and switch off. But I can help you move through that. It’s not about resistence or fighting these thoughts, or berating yourself for having them. It’s about letting them happen. I have the methods to calm your brain and your mind down.

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Feeling apathetic, de-energised or lethargic? Don’t know how to move forward or get going? It’s often about Values. Finding what it is that sparks you and turns you on. Maybe you’ve forgotten what it is, or you’re too busy thinking or doing things that don’t fill you with pleasure. If life feels like a grind, get in touch and with a mix of Hypno-CBT and Life Coaching we can turn you around.

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We worry about our health, and that of our children. We sometimes feel vulnerable, exposed, mortal. The media doesn’t help. I’ve had clients who have flinched at the word, ‘bug’, frightened if they hear there’s a virus going around. We’re imaginative creatures and if we feel something, like a lump or a pain, we automatically think it must be fatal. If this resonates with you, contact me now.

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Life for teenagers is tough, make no mistake. All parents worry about their children, whatever their age. It’s an uncertain world, an uncertain future … with ongoing threat, identity and culture issues, AI, economic flux, social media pressure. If you’re a parent who is concerned about their children – their anxiety or motivation in any way, please get in touch.

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A free mini-session where we discuss if what I offer is right for you

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1st Session!

Our first session is where we get to know more about each other, usually 1-1.5 hours

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Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 111 or 999, or visit your nearest hospital

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20 Westway, Caterham CR3 5TP