Peak Performance

Together we can create the best YOU

Where is your genius?

Maybe you’re an actor or performance artist who wants to improve their stage presence. Or a sportsperson, a tennis player perhaps, who wants to improve an aspect of their play or temperament. I’ve worked with all sorts of sports and perfomance artists and speakers to help achieve flow and brilliance. To relax, get out of their own way and reach the peak of their abilities.

Working with your abilities

What we focus on we get more of – and tends to manifest in the real world. So if we’re tense, worried about something, like making a mistake, little wonder it happens. So, in whatever field we’re working we need to move through this. With confidence and calm. You’ve learned the technical skill. Now it’s the mindset. And that’s where Hypnotherapy can make the difference.

Let’s Work on You

The baseball coach Yogi Berra famously said that, ‘90% of baseball is mental; the other half is physical’.

 So whether you’re looking to improve your performance level in sport, are nervous about an important interview exam or speech, get in touch now.

We can work in person or Zoom and get you flying.

Using Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy we will look at:

  • Rapid Tension Release – how to release unhelpful tension with special breathing techniques
  • Self-hypnosis – how to quickly and easily put yourself in an optimal state of mind
  • Mental Imagery – the power of visualisation to experience an event successfully to manifest its success
  • Building motivation– finding and amplifying the feeling of success to drive you forward
  • Improving focus – eliminating distractions so you’re in that winning, flow zone

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below. For emergencies call 111 or 999, or visit your nearest hospital

20 Westway, Caterham CR3 5TP